promo for Rio, Tokyo and New York promo BABY for the art THE SLAG FAMILY JO OSBORNE AND GEMMA OAKELY NOISE MAKERS PERFORMERS SEE IF WE CARE GIVE US THE DANGER MONEY THE SLAG FAMILY WENT TO THE ELYSIUM first thoughts after the after after so here goes it will all be a bit messy a bit like a slag family,,,,, autistic order and choatic dyslexia...1st thought it was not bad not bad , mising from myself more spazmodic , mumbling ,messy uggy ugg and sluddgy balanced against your order , less narrative from myself ...i am making a mask connected to the cap face being obscured , was looking at the masks of the jannisary , my thinking i loved your side of things the no planning planning vibe , i think that worked really well , where i didnt unravel enough ... my orginal idea was more bad boy bubby meets rubber bandits in a alley to the sound track of lighning bolt vibe its a short break down keep doing what your doing its ace ...i am going...